
Electronic Invoicing


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Main changes and their impact in industry 

There are 4 strong changes that have been made regarding billing; one of them came into force in April 2017 and it is the new payroll CFDI that presents several strong fiscal changes, but above all in the area of ​​social security, so it is important that companies are filling the vouchers correctly, since doing it incorrectly can cause an audit by the SAT (Tax Administration System,) as well as the IMSS and Infonavit.


Another change has repercussions on electronic invoicing, where the main change in this aspect is that several catalogs have been included, especially in service descriptions, unit measurement keys, as well as authorizations. “When the CFDIs arrive at a certain amount, they will have to be authorized by the SAT, this changes, the exchange rate will also have to be authorized and will have to be included in the tax receipt,” explained Eduardo Pol Maldonado, tax partner of the O&P Consultores Fiscales firm.


As for the new Foreign Trade CFDI, this does not apply to the maquila, only when there is disposal; however it is important that they take this into account, due to the possibility of having companies of the same group that are having sales abroad that would have to be doing the complement. It is complement and invoicing; however, the complement was deferred to start operations as of January 1st, 2018.


Another important change is the Payment Complement; it is not enough to have the invoice, but also - once a payment is received, it will be necessary to issue another CFDI, which includes information related to the invoice being paid, the date and in payment form. In turn, the provider will have to return it to his client once he receives the payment.


“This takes effect as of December 1st, 2017, so it is important to take into account all the regulatory changes that are taking place and how it impacts the maquila industry (noting that almost all of your invoices are on credit.) This is a strong change, it is for this reason that companies must prepare, as it enters on July 1st, but it is until December 1st, 2017 that will be of mandatory use,” concluded the Eduardo Pol Maldonado, tax partner of the firm O&P Consultores Fiscales.



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