The Reynosa
City Council has a Job Bank for the industry, commerce and service provision,
of a great variety of profiles for its evaluation and hiring with the
guarantees prevented by lay.
Mario Alonso
Villalpando Ortiz, secretary of Economic Development and Labor, said that this
service keeps a linkage with many local companies that continuously consult the
Direction of Employment and Productivity to have work profiles and is sought to
maintain the linkage that makes Reynosa the city of employment.
Regarding this, the
director of Employment and Productivity from the Ministry of Economic
Development, Felipe Rodriguez Garcia informed that the office installed at the
Municipal Auditorium from the Hidalgo Boulevard and Vista Hermosa Avenue,
receives job seekers to add them into the prospects list, by filling an
Rodriguez Garcia
announced that from “two or three companies take some profiles per day, this
means that they will provide follow-up to them and will call them by phone;”
and added that interested people can go to the office from 8:00 to 16:00 hours
from Monday thru Friday and for more information they can call to the telephone
951 7382.